Jeff Nadu Is Being Accused Of Catfishing Online...But is It True?

A lot to unpack here. Long story short, some girl from Alabama (@smittygirl9825 on TikTok) accused Jeff Nadu of catfishing her on Hinge. She claims Nadu used pictures of this guy to get her attention...




only to reveal his true identity via Snapchat. She then said Nadu sent her the following picture which she screenshotted and texted to him…




His response? To go dark and immediately bock the number. Sketchy? Yes. Damning? No. Now…do I think the person on the other end of the line is Nadu? No. He picks up broads like most men, either in the club or at the local Knights Of Columbus. Either way, Nadu immediately took to Twitter to claim his innocence…




Some people are on his side…

others have remained silent on the issue…

All I know is that Nadu is on Twitter Spaces right now telling anyone who will listen that he did NOT catfish that girl. He's even willing to take a lie detector test to prove it. So what do you guys think? Innocent or guilty? Comment below. All we know FOR SURE though is he IS NOT ON SNAPCHAT.



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